Lore Del Space War Vol 12

Hello American Friends!, Welcome to the Fun Combat of the Night, A few months ago I, Mr George and my partner, Misfin, discussed a special fight called Great Space War, today we will see a sequel to that combat, in which the greatest heroes of America, The Justice League And Donald Trump Will Make Japan Great Again

To Make The Narration More Entertaining Mr George Bought A Bag Of The Mexican Snack Known As Takis, How Crazy Will This Fight Be? Will America Triumph Over Japan? Let's Find Out Friends!


  1. It's just that the Japanese and their crazy things, long live the land of the rising sun

  2. Tengo curiosidad, del como Jorge descubrió la existencia del Space Wars

    And also wondering what the organizers of this event are up to to have these damned fights.

  3. https://tenor.com/es-419/view/cat-explosion-gif-24748469


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